MIM and AM
Session 43 Wednesday 16 October 2019 08:00 - 09:30 Room: 0.8
Session Chairs
Mr Georg Breitenmoser
Parmaco Metal Injection Moulding AG, Switzerland
Prof Frank Petzoldt
Fraunhofer Institut – IFAM, Germany
There is a somewhat confusing variety of Additive Manufacturing processes. Not all of them have the same goals and capabilities. This Special Interest Seminar has the objective to carve out the territories of the MIM technology on one hand and some of the AM technologies on the other hand. Since MIM is a high volume, low cost production method for relatively small components this seminar concentrates on those AM technologies which are gearing up for high volume and low cost for relatively small components, thus being potential threats for MIM. The purpose of the seminar is to better understand the competing aspects and the complementing aspects of MIM and AM.
Impact of Powder-Binder-Based Additive Manufacturing on Metal Injection Molding
Dr Animesh Bose (Desktop Metal, USA)
08:00 - 08:30
Strategic partnership of GKN-HP-VW for Binder Additive Manufacturing
Dr Simon Höges (GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH, Germany)
08:30 - 09:00
MIM and the chances of AM processes
Dr Thomas Hartwig (Fraunhofer IFAM, Germany)
09:00 - 09:30