The Evolution of Press and Sinter Linked to the 30th anniversary of EPMA
Session 6 Monday 14 October 2019 14:30 - 16:00 Room: 0.8
Session Chairs
Mrs Caroline Larsson
Höganäs AB, Sweden
Dr Cèsar Molins
AMES SA, Spain
EPMA was founded in 1989 when Powder Metallurgy, or PM, was mainly associated with Press & Sinter. During the following 30 years a lot of interesting development has taken place both within the association as well as within the PM industry and related academia. In this SIS we will learn about how the PM parts have developed based on customer needs, often driven by the automotive industry but also based on the technical development within the PM industry. Innovations in the field of material, processes and component design have over the years resulted in continuously new possibilities. Powders with improved compressibility, higher hardenability and improved dimensional stability; more efficient presses running at higher rates and with improved filling and weight control; sintering furnaces with improved atmosphere control and higher cooling rates making it possible to produce high performance parts in more costefficient ways. This development has opened up for production of more challenging components to be produced using PM technology.
30 Years of PM Part Developments – Push and Pull to Innovation
Dr Volker Arnhold (PM Solutions, Germany)
14:30 - 15:00
Powder Development over the Years
Mr Ulf Engström (Höganäs, China)
15:00 - 15:30
Process Development over the Years
Prof. Dr. Paul Beiss (IWM-RWTH Aachen, Germany)
15:30 - 16:00
The Development of Press&Sinter within the Automotive Sector
Session 12 Monday 14 October 2019 17:00 - 18:30 Room: 0.8
Session Chairs
Mrs Caroline Larsson
Höganäs AB, Sweden
Dr Cèsar Molins
AMES SA, Spain
The automotive industry continues to be the main consumer of powder metal parts, and the traditional Press&Sinter process is still the most widely used of all the PM forming technologies, as it combines excellent raw material utilization, high precision, rather complicated geometry capabilities and reduced cost for high series productions. However, Press&Sinter needs to continuously adapt to the changing designs in the automobile, to the increased physical characteristics demands, to the weight reduction trends, to the new powertrain trends, and this is why the whole value chain for Press&Sinter parts is continuously developing new solutions. This Special Interest Seminar will present a number of cases depicting the most recent changes and the challenges ahead for the Press&Sinter technology, helping to identify the new technical developments and market directions.
Challenges of the PM Industry Towards Automotive Transformation
Dr Nils Bornemann (GKN Sinter Metals Engineering GmbH, Germany)
17:00 - 17:30
How to unleash the potential of PM Transmission Gears Through Partnership Development and Industry Collaboration
Dr Anders Flodin (Höganäs, Sweden)
17:30 - 18:00
Advanced Multi-Material Lightweight Design Potentials and Challenges
Prof Thilo Bein (Fraunhofer LBF, Germany)
18:00 - 18:30